Tips for Permanent Weight Loss

Lasting weight loss may not be easy, but it certainly is possible. Weight control really is about calories in and calories out, and the balance between the two.

That’s a little more complicated than it might seem, however. For one thing, it’s absolutely true that two people can eat the same and exercise the same, and one gets fat while the other stays slim. Yes, I agree: That isn’t fair! No one ever promised that life would be.

The reason is simply that our bodies vary in fuel efficiency, just as cars do. Some cars can go far on a gallon of gas, some can’t. We understand some reasons for this, such as variations in genes; others we are just beginning to understand, such as variations in our microbiomes. Some other reasons are still mostly in the realm of theory, such as exposure to germs and environmental contaminants. People vary widely in fuel efficiency—some of us simply need fewer calories to maintain our weight, and so we need fewer to gain weight, too.

We can’t control our genes or metabolic rate directly, but we have considerable control over the calories we burn just the same. Having said that, each body will burn a different number of calories per day even if both people do the same identical things. And why is that, if you have a different size body you will burn a different amount of calories. If you have a different amount of body fat you will burn a different amount of calories. And these differents don’t have to be noticeable. They can be very slight. Also, your mood and temperament will make a difference in the calories you burn. Some people are very high strong, an A type personality and they will burn more calories because they tend to move more, they’re more excitable. So A type personalities can burn more calories.

For another, muscle helps burn calories, and by being active, we can build up a bit more of muscle—and actually burn a few more calories in our sleep every night as a result. And by taking good care of ourselves, in general, we help nurture a healthy microbiome, which in turn helps us handle calories in a manner that converts fewer of them to body fat. What that means is that a healthy, strong body will burn more calories naturally, so slim, trim, fit people usually stay that way unless they become ill.

But, of course, the most potent control we have over our weight is to control the calories we take in. That’s hard, especially when the food supply has been intentionally manipulated to maximize how much we eat. But, as stated at the start, it is certainly possible.

Here are my five top-level tips to help you get there from here.

1. Be the Boss

Amazingly, people routinely see food on display, and simply eat it with no thought about what it is, why it’s there, who put it there, whether or not it’s something they really want to eat, or even if they are at all hungry. We joke about this and call it the “See Food Diet”—I see food, and I eat it.

Approach food at least as thoughtfully as clothes, jewelry, or antiperspirant. Choose what’s right for you, and try not to let other people’s random choices influence you. To exert greater control over your choices, do what I do and load up an insulated snack pack with some wholesome snack choices—fresh fruit, nuts, yogurt, hummus, etc.—you keep handy all the time. There’s nothing wrong with eating when you’re hungry, but you want to eat healthy foods.

Actively control the foods you choose to put in your body.

2. Simplify

There are a lot of competing claims about the best foods to eat for health or weight control, but the truth is simple and your choices should be, too.

Whenever possible, eat minimally processed plant foods. One good rule of thumb is that the very best foods of all have an ingredient list just one word long: blueberries or carrots, for example. The more of your diet you construct out of simple, wholesome choices, the better your weight and health will be.

When you eat fresh foods, not canned or frozen, but all fresh and only the best cuts of meat in small quantities ( 3oz. a day) and the rest fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, you’ll find that you won’t eat as much food. You might snack throughout the day but at the end of the day, you’ll have consumed less food and fewer calories. Eating this way, you’ll become healthier, happier, and have more energy and therefore burn more calories naturally.

3.Make Better Choices

In general, if your buying a box of something, the shorter the ingredient list the better. There are better options in almost every food category, from bread to breakfast cereal, salad dressing to pasta sauce.

One of the many reasons to choose better foods is that it helps us fill up on fewer calories. If you need help making better choices, I recommend checking out information from NuVal (a resource that scores food based on nutritional value) and Turn the Tide Foundation, an organization to empower people to achieve sustainable weight control and live healthier lives.

4. Call in the Cavalry

Involve your whole family in an effort to eat better—not just to lose weight, but to be healthier. There isn’t a better gift we can give the people we care about, or that they can give us, than better odds at a long, vital life. You can help one another get there by making the journey together. I want to comment on this last paragraph.

I want to comment on this last paragraph. It takes a total lifestyle change if you want to lose weight and some people aren’t willing to do that. Some people are still looking for the “Pill” that will make your fat magically disappear. You can’t force people to change; they have to want it. I found the best way to influence people is to lead by example. When your friends or family see how great you look they’ll want to be like you.

5. Move It to Lose It, and Gain Even More

Exercise is rarely the best way to lose weight, but it is an important element in weight maintenance and crucial to good health. Besides, by giving your body the motion for which it is adapted, you simply start feeling better—and that provides energy and motivation you can translate into better food choices. It’s a virtuous circle you can set in motion by setting yourself in motion every chance you get.

Remember the Effect of the World Around Us

The places around the world where people most consistently enjoy longevity, vitality, and a healthy, stable weight over a lifetime are the places where cultural norms help make it so. It’s much easier to be active when everybody walks everywhere. It’s easier to eat well when your “native” diet is an optimal diet. But no one of us has the power to snap our fingers and change our whole culture.

But we can, however, change ourselves. We can help our families change, and they can help us. And of course, when enough of us change, that adds up to culture change

If you really want to lose your body fat than look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You’ll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books. 

There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $1.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans or meal plans. Look for my book. at, B&, iBooks,,, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

My new e-book is available on, just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page.